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德国柏林洪堡大学教授Reinhard Singer来我院为学生授课

发布日期:2024-06-19    作者:     来源:     点击:

德国柏林洪堡大学教授Reinhard Singer来我院为学生授课

通讯员: 吴诗颖 硕士研究生

2018年4月11日至13日,德国柏林洪堡大学教授Reinhard Singer来访同济大学法学院,为中德双硕士学位研究生带来了为期3天的德国债法课程。在课堂上,Reinhard Singer教授通过丰富的案例,向同学们讲授了德国法上民事行为能力、民事责任能力、侵权损害赔偿、违约损害赔偿、第三人责任、不当得利及其返还等知识。通过这三天的学习,同学们对德国债法有了进一步的认识,也锻炼了自己的法律思维和法律逻辑,为以后在德国的学习打下了基础。

From April 11th to 13th, 2018, Reinhard Singer, Professor of Humboldt University in Berlin, visited Tongji University Law School, in order to bring a three-day German debt law course to Chinese and German dual master degree students. In class, Prof. Reinhard Singer taught the students the knowledge of civil conduct, civil liability, tort damages, damages for breach of contract, third party liability, unjust enrichment in German law. Through these three days of study, the students had a better understanding of the German debt law, and also exercised their own legal thinking and legal logic, which lay the foundation for future study in Germany.

Reinhard Singer曾任柏林洪堡大学法学院院长,也是同济大学法学院与柏林洪堡大学法学院双学位硕士项目的联合发起人之一。在课程之余,Reinhard Singer教授还与同学们交流了德国的学习和生活情况,鼓励同学们精进专业外语,夯实法律基础,并期待与同学们在德国再见。

Reinhard Singer was formerly dean of the Humboldt University School of Law in Berlin and co-founder of the dual-degree masters program of the Tongji University Law School and Berlin Humboldt University Law School. Apart from the course, Prof. Reinhard Singer also communicated with the students about the study and life conditions in Germany, and encouraged the students to improve their professional foreign language as well as to consolidate the legal basis. Finally, he looked forward to seeing with the students in Germany.