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发布日期:2024-07-22    作者:Admin     来源:SGIIEL     点击:

Activities of the Institute 2013-2023

Co-Organised by Prof. Astrid Stadler Konstanz University, Prof. Reinhard Singer Humboldt University, Prof. Xujun Gao Tongji University

Since its foundation in 2013, the research institute has organised various joint scientific workshops. They took place alternately in Shanghai, Berlin and Konstanz. Current general topics were selected, which were dealt with by speakers from all three faculties in individual lectures and discussed together. A total of seven workshops took place beginning in Shanghai in October 2013.

I. Workshops 2013 and 2014

On the occasion of the establishment of the new institute a first workshop was held on 17-18 October 2013 on the subject of “Competition and Law in a Market Economy”. The opening ceremony started by opening speeches given by WU Jiang, Vice President of Tongji University and Christian Bode, DAAD Coordinator of Sino-German University. During the workshop which followed, the following presentations were given:

Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz):Public and private enforcement of competition law – from mutual reinforcement to conflict and possible solutions

GAO, Xujun (Shanghai): On the problem of classification of enterprises with Chinese character and its equal treatment

Astrid Stadler (Konstanz):Gerichtliche Rechtsdurchsetzung im Wirtschaftsrecht – Schutz subjektiver Rechte und Bewährung objektiven Rechts

SHAN, Xiaoguang (Shanghai):The Influence of the intellectual property system on the Chinese economy development

Eva Obergfell (Berlin):Geistiges Eigentum – Wirtschaftsfaktor oder -bremse? Entwicklungspotentiale im Bereich des Urheberrechts

SONG, Xioating (Shanghai):Protection of Folkore and Folk Art Works in China

Rebecca Zinser (Nanjing):Kulturell bedingt oder rechtlich erzwungen? Selbst- und Fremdbilder im Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum

YU, Xinmiao (Shanghai): Issues on Standards in the EU China Innovation Cooperation Dialog

Christine Windbichler (Berlin):Wirtschaftsrecht als Infrastruktur

FANG, Xiaomin (Nanjing):Die Durchführung des chinesischen Antimonopolrechts in den ersten fünf Jahren

Rudolf Rengier (Konstanz):Die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit von Unternehmen und Unternehmern

Reinhard Singer (Berlin):Arbeitsrecht als Wirtschaftsbedingung

WANG, Qian (Shanghai):Neue Entwicklungen im Chinesischen Arbeitsrecht

The general topic of the 2014 workshop in Shanghai was “The newest developments of Economic Law”. The following presentations were given on April 3, 2014:

1) Astrid Stadler (Konstanz):Competition and Consumer Protection

2) Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz):Par condicio concurrentium - Equal Treatment in Competition as a Fundamental Principle of Market Economies

3) YU, Xinmiao (Shanghai): Different Enforcement of Same Rules – Definition of Relevant Market in the Case of Qihoo 360 v. Tencent QQ (2013)

4) Reinhard Singer (Berlin):Structures of German Labour Law

5) ZHANG, Taolue (Shanghai): The 4th Amendment of Chinese Patent Act and Relevant Legislative Activities

6)Gerhard Wagner (Berlin):Directors’ and Officers’ Liability - A Functional Approach

7) Christoph Paulus (Berlin):Restructuring of Companies in Germany and Europe

8) GAO, Xujun (Shanghai):The Latest development of Chinese Company Law

9) Hans Theile (Konstanz): Code of Conduct and Criminal Law

10) XIE, Yan (Shanghai): Death Penalty in Crime of Corruption and Bribery

11) SHI, Hua (Shanghai):Issues ofWTO and Non-Market Economy Status

II. Workshops and Activities in 2015

In the year 2015 two workshops were organized.From 12-13 April 2014 professors from Tongji, Konstanz and Berlin met at Humboldt University in Berlin to discuss the topic “Rechtliche Funktionsbedingungen von Märkten und Formen der Konfliktbeilegung in China und Europa“.

Presentations and speakers were as follwos:

1) Reinhard Singer (Berlin):Zwingendes Vertragsrecht

2) Astrid Stadler (Konstanz):Die Richtlinie über alternative Streitbeilegung in Verbrauchersachen und ihre Umsetzung in Deutschland

3) GAO, Xujun (Shanghai):Mediation in the application of China’s civil litigation procedure and its problems

4) SUN, Xiaomin (Shanghai):The legal issues of mergers and acquisition of state-owned enterprises by foreign investors in China

5) YU, Xinmiao (Shanghai):The new pratice of anti-monopoly law

6) Rebecka Zinser (Frankfurt/Nanjing):Verwaltungsrechtliche Durchsetzung privater Rechte – ein chinesischer Sonderweg und seine Entwicklung

7) Rudolf Rengier (Konstanz): Die Bedeutung von Compliance-Maßnahmen aus dem Blickwinkel des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts

8) XIE, Yan (Shanghai):Development and prospect of Chinese economic criminal law

9) ZENG, Caixia (Shanghai):Study in Tongji more smoothly and happily

On the occasion of Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann's visit to China with a delegation from science and industry, the Prime Minister gave a speech at Tongji University and the delegation members took part in a joint workshop organised by Tongji Law Faculty, the Institute and representatives from Konstanz and Berlin. The workshop dealt with “Shortcomings of traditional civil litigation in China in Germany – Do economic disputes need a different approach such as arbitration or mediation?” A Roundtable discussion, chaired by Reinhard Singer (Berlin) included the following participants: Theresia Bauer (Minister of Science, Research and Arts of Baden-Württemberg), Astrid Stadler (Konstanz), Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz) and Franz Steinle (President of the Stuttgart High Court). In a second part there were presentations by Chinese representatives WANG Weijun, Deputy Secretary of SHIAC, LIU Bingrong, Senior Judge at the People’s Hight Court of Fujian Province, LIU Dali, Partner of Junhe Law Firm and Arbitrator of Shanghai International Arbitration Centre, GAO Xujun (Tongji Law School).

In the afternoon, there was a casestudyseminar,where Lukas Aberle and Zhang Feihu, the first graduates of thedouble master programme of theSino-German Institute of International Economic Law (IGIEL), presented investment and M&A cases in China and Germany respectively.Lukas Aberleintroducedthe participants to the EDEKA M&A case in Germany,whileZhang Feihuinformedthe case of the Coca-Cola M&A of Huiyuan in China, both analysed the two cases in China and Germany from both the economic and the legal perspectivesand shared their respective views.

III. Workshop 2016

In October 2016, participants of the workshop on “Protection of Trade Secrets in a Competitive Global Market – Aspects of German, European and Chinese Law” were invited to Konstanz University in Germany. The workshop of 20-21 October 2016 started with presentations given by selected Chinese students who were part of the Chinese delegation:

1) FAN, Xinhong (Shanghai):On the Intellectual Property Credit

2)PAN, Guanyu(Shanghai):Tesla free its patent: Pie or Pit?

3)CAI,Kui(Shanghai):Study on Ownership of Intellectual Property in Crowdfunding

4)MA, Ran(Shanghai):Anti-monopoly Provisions in Misuse of Intellectual Property Rights in China:Analysis on Qualcomm Case and Commerce on Related Rules

5)YANG, Maoya (Shanghai):Influence of the Draft Foreign Investment Law of PRC on foreign investors when becoming effective - From the perspective of the definition of foreign investment

6)CHEN,Ming(Shanghai):The Gap between China Copyright Law’s Exceptions and the Marrakesh Treaty’s Requirements

7) SONG, Jian (Shanghai):Research on the benefit sharing mechanism of traditional medicine knowledge(TMK)based on global view

8)YIN,Jing(Shanghai):Intellectual property protection of Traditional Chinese Medicine

9)LI,Xin(Shanghai):The study of Japanese legal aspect of regenerative medicine

10)SONG,Dandan(Shanghai):Research on the legislation of genetically modified food in China

11)FANG,Shuai(Shanghai):Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Center development and intellectual property protection

On Friday, 21 October, the first part of the Workshop onCompetition Law, Patent and Copyright Lawwas chaired by Reinhard Singer (Berlin). Presentations were given by

1) Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz): Wettbewerbsrechtliche Aspekte des Schutzes von Geschäftsgeheimnissen – die EU-Richtlinie zum Schutz von Geschäfts- und Betriebsgeheimnissen (The protection of trade secrets in competition law – the European Directiveon the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure)

2) Ronny Hauck (Berlin):Geschäftsgeheimnisse – Aspekte des Urheber- und Patentrechts (Copyright and patent law aspects of trade secrets)

3) GAO, Xujun (Tongji):Trade Secrets from the Perspective of Chinese Company Law and Competition Law

4)HUA,Jie(Tongji):Trade Secret Protection under the Cloud Computing Environment: From the Chinese Perspective

The Second Part on labour law and criminal law was moderated by Astrid Stadler.

1) Reinhard Singer (Berlin): Arbeitsrechtliche Wettbewerbsverbote – Sanktionen bei Verrat betrieblicher Geheimnisse durch Angestellte und Arbeitnehmer(“Covenants not to compete” in labour contracts – sanctions against misuse and betrayal of trade secrets under German labour law)

2)WANG,Qian(Tongji):Trade Secret Protection in theEmploymentRelationshipin China

3) Rudolf Rengier (Konstanz): Der strafrechtliche Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen in Deutschland

4)Xie,Yan(Tongji):Current Situation of Criminal Law Protection of Trade Secrets in China

The presentations were published in “Rechtliche Funktionsbedingungen von Märkten und Formen der Konfliktbeilegung in China und Europa“, Glöckner/Singer/Stadler/Gao (eds.), 2017, ISBN 978-3-631-71570-3, E-ISBN 978-3-631-71571-0 (E-PDF).

IV. Workshop 2018

Another workshop took place in April 2018 in Shanghai on the topic of “Social networks and Big Data: Challenges to Public Welfare, Privacy and Private Life”. The first session focused on competition aspects.

1) Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz):Big Data and Competition Law - Swiss Army Knife, Band Aid or Special Tool for Special Problems?

2) YU, Xinmiao (Shanghai): Challenges for Antitrust Law in the Age of Big Data

3) BAI, Benjamin (Shanghai):Data Monopoly Viewed from IP Perspectives

4) ZENG, Caixia (Shanghai):Relevant Market Definition in Data

5) QI, Da (Shanghai):Data Monopoly of Firms and Unfair Competition.

The second session dealt with privacy waivers.

1) Michael Stürner (Konstanz):Contractual Aspects of the Supply of Digital Content

2) Axel Metzger (Berlin):Data as Counter-performance: Preconditions and Consequences under Contract Law.

The third session analysed data as an object of trade:

1) Peter Ganea (Shanghai):Rewarding Innovation in the Data Industry: is Exclusive IP Necessary?

2) ZHANG, Taolue (Shanghai):Is Data a new proprietary IP? A Review of Recent Court Decisions in China

3) LIU, Shan (Shanghai):The Governance Model of Copyright Infringement for User-Generated content in the Big Data Era.

The fourth and final session shed light on the working conditions in a digitized environment.

1) Reinhard Singer (Berlin):Working Time in a Digitized Work Environment - Aspects of Flexibility, Self-Determination and Employee Protection

2) CHEN, Yifeng (Beijing):Labour or Service? On the Relevance of Labour Law in the Digital Economy

3) Stefan Strassner (Wildau University):Bigger Data - Bigger Problems? Protecting Employee Privacy under German Law

4) ZHOU, Changzheng (Nanjing):How to Use Big Data to Protect Workers’ Rights: Experiences from China.

V. Workshop 2019

In July 2019, professors from Tongji, HU Berlin and Konstanz University met in Berlin to discuss “Rechtsfragen der Digitalisierung in China und Deutschland – Legal Issues about Digitisation in China and Germany”

Gerhard Wagner (Berlin):Roboterhaftung

Heike Schweitzer (Berlin):Shaping Competition Policy in the Digital Era

Jochen Glöckner (Konstanz):Competition law to Decide on Competing Business Models?

YAN, Jingjing (Beijing):Die Internet-Sonderklausel: ein effektives Mittel zur Bekämpfung unlauteren Wettbewerbs im Internet?

GAO, Xujun (Shanghai):A new law on foreign investments in China

Peter Ganea (Shanghai):IP-Fragen der Digitalisierung

Christian Picker (Konstanz):Work-life-blending - Home Office als arbeitsrechtliche Herausforderung

WANG, Qian (Shanghai):Auswirkungen des digitalen Wandels auf die Arbeitswelt in China

ZHANG, Xuezhe (Beijing):Schutz für den Finanzverbraucher im Internet-Crowdfunding

ZHANG, Tong (Beijing):Legal Liability of the “Brusher” in Online Shopping

VI. Latest Activities 2023

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic workshops planned to take place in 2020 and 2021 in Konstanz had to be postponed. After a long break the next workshop was organized by Tongji Law School in September 2023 on the occasion of the 10thanniversary of the establishment of the Joint Double Degree Masters programme.